Pay Your Way

What is PAY UR WAY?

Humboldt Utilities' PAY UR WAY is a relatively new program that is having tremendous success for our utility customers. PAY UR WAY is a pay-before-consumption program that is an alternative to traditional monthly billing.

  • No deposit required
  • You can sign up for PAY UR WAY with only $100.
  • The amount of money you should keep in your PAY UR WAY account is entirely up to you! The beauty of this program is that it fits YOUR budget. You can pay for utilities to last until your payday, or you can pay ahead enough to last several months!
  • PAY UR WAY allows you to pay for your utilities whenever you want and as many times a month as you want with minimum payment amounts of $30 for each payment you make.
  • There are several options for monitoring your PAY UR WAY balance: by email, text, or through our automated customer service system.

How PAY UR WAY Works

PAY UR WAY is offered by Humboldt Utilities to residential and small commercial business customers who are interested in monitoring their daily consumption of utilities. Utilities are purchased on an "as-needed basis". This program allows participants to determine how much and how often they pay for their utility consumption. It's simple... Just like you watch the gas gauge in your car, you can watch the cost and consumption of the utilities you use each day. PAY UR WAY allows you to monitor your utility usage daily and notifies you when you need to make additional deposits to your account. Notification that your credit balance is getting low will be sent when your credit balance reaches a dollar amount that you set. After enrollment, you will receive daily usage information. Because customers on the PAY UR WAY program get a daily notice about their utility usage, customers who participate in this program will not be mailed a monthly statement.

Benefits of PAY UR WAY

  • No deposit required to obtain service
  • No late fees assessed
  • Better awareness of being energy efficient
  • Make payments when it is convenient for you

New and existing customers can choose to participate in the program. Participation is entirely optional. Residential and small commercial business customers can convert their accounts to the PAY UR WAY program at any time by coming in to enroll in the program. For existing customers, any security deposit you have previously paid will be applied to your existing balance. If there is a remaining credit, it will be applied to your PAY UR WAY account. For former customers, Humboldt Utilities offers a debt recovery plan built into the PAY UR WAY program.

General Manager Alex Smith states, "The PAY UR WAY program has made my family more aware of being energy efficient and the program's success is proof that it is meeting the needs of our customers. It is an ideal choice for customers who want to monitor their energy use."

If you are not yet a PAY UR WAY participant, call or come by and let us tell you about this innovative and convenient payment program.

207 South 13th Avenue • PO Box 850 • Humboldt, TN 38343
(731) 784-9212 (Phone) • (731) 784-4504 (Fax)
© copyright 2021 Humboldt Utilities
Site by: Younger Associates